Introducing Jocelyn Bateman

We’re excited to introduce our new Committee Member, Jocelyn Bateman! Jocelyn will be serving on the Committee for the next four years, and we are very happy that she has come onboard. Joining NZIX in 2020 as part of the AWS Edge PoP build in Auckland, she subsequently decided that she would like to become a Committee Member and work more with NZ carriers/peers and would also like to help attract more content into NZ. 

With a background in network engineering and educational qualifications in Engineering, Business and CCIE, Jocelyn has worked for several Australian carriers. Her career began when she worked in the Telstra International Cable Station/Exchange in Sydney – the only cable on the east coast back then! The team configured Frame Relay between AU-US. The Internet came about within her first year of working, and she tells us that it’s been too interesting not to stay connected (pun intended!).  

Currently working in the Global Interconnection Strategy Team, she is responsible for the strategy for the connectivity between AWS and the rest of the Internet for Oceania. The role is technical, commercial, legal, and project-based and includes a lot of negotiation. She says she is lucky to have an amazing team and that she really enjoys working for AWS. 

All work talk aside, Jocelyn grew up on a dairy farm in NSW before moving to Sydney to study and work. One of her favourite things to do is mowing the lawn, as she likes most outdoor work. She also enjoys spending time with her family and walking her dog.  

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