Chorus EdgeConnect

The Product

The Chorus EdgeConnect Peering service is an exciting new collaboration between the New Zealand Internet Exchange and Chorus.

Using Chorus’ ultra-fast broadband network, we can now offer NZIX members peering at the Auckland Internet Exchange (AKL-IX) from anywhere on the Chorus UFB footprint in New Zealand. Imagine a cross-connect the size of New Zealand – it is yours via EdgeConnect and NZIX.

By establishing a special VLAN (SVID/CVID combination) on your Chorus NGA handover you will be able to communicate with other NZIX members on the same exchange, whether they are physically connected to the NZIX exchange or are other NZIX members similarly connected via Chorus EdgeConnect.

The Chorus network will appear as a single switch on the NZIX fabric and be managed by Chorus.

Who is Edge Connect For?

In New Zealand most residential and business traffic volumes are asymmetric, meaning users consume (download) much more data than they produce (upload). As a service provider you often find that your NGA handovers have a lot of traffic directed towards Chorus but not so much coming back. Conversely, Internet exchanges receive a lot of traffic in from CDNs heading towards eye-ball networks (service providers). These two traffic patterns complement each other nicely if a Chorus handover is used to bring in content from CDNs on an IX.

By using EdgeConnect:

  • Service providers with asymmetric traffic profiles on their handovers can turn unused customer upstream bandwidth to IX download.
  • Service providers have a cost-effective way to get a backup path to the IX (currently only Auckland).
  • Wireless Service Providers have a cost-effective means to get Auckland content without having to build their network to Auckland.


NZIX Charges

NZIX costs are based on access speed. There are no NZIX joining or port fees for EdgeConnect, only ongoing monthly recurring charges.

  • Less than or equal to 10G – $350 per month
  • Greater than 10G – $1250 per month

Chorus Charges

EdgeConnect is priced using the Chorus zone distance rate card, so your costs vary based on your distance from the IX.

There is no additional port fee for EdgeConnect.

For more details on Chorus charges visit their website

Get Started

To enable NZIX peering over EdgeConnect you will need to have:


Chorus EdgeConnect is currently only available on the Auckland Internet Exchange (AKL- IX). Planning is underway however a date for availability of the new service is not yet confirmed for Christchurch (CHC-IX).

More information can be found on the EdgeConnect Service Schedule