Society rules changes at AKL-IX will enhance local representation

This year’s Annual General Meeting, scheduled for August 1st, marks a significant milestone for AKL-IX. With three Committee seats up for election, we’re proposing changes to promote greater local representation within our leadership.

Currently, IAA (Internet Association of Australia) holds two seats on our Committee, with the remaining five seats elected by our Members, as governed by our Society Rules. Initially established in 2016 to safeguard IAA’s interests during AKL-IX’s inception, this structure has served its purpose. Now, with all debts settled and our IX(es) thriving, we’re proposing a shift. Our plan is to reduce IAA’s Committee presence to one seat and increase the elected seats to six, requiring amendments to our Society Rules.

As a result, this year’s election will see the selection of three Committee Members, alongside the appointment of an additional Member to replace the vacated IAA seat, if our proposed changes are approved. The process for appointing the seventh Member is under consideration.

In addition to these internal changes, we will also address some external factors. New Zealand has recently had new Societies Act introduced. We intend to seek approval at the AGM to re-register under this legislation, aligning our operations with the updated legal framework.

All in all, it will be a busy AGM for everyone involved. There will be a great deal of communications from us due to this, and we appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through the changes. We’re committed to keeping you informed every step of the way. If you wish to adjust your communication preferences, you can do so conveniently in the portal.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we work towards a stronger, more inclusive future for AKL-IX.

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