New NZ metrics now live

For those who attended NZNOG this year, you will have heard about the massive growth experienced by NZIX over the past 12 months, with an 82% increase to traffic on the IX at peak.

Growth is only meaningful with the right analysis, so we are pleased to announce that New Zealand members can now access exclusive flow-based metrics data in the Members Portal.

Login and select the Metrics panel to view a breakdown of traffic flows by Peer . This new feature will enable members to make a more accurate assessment of the areas providing best value for their business and where they might be missing out.

Similar metrics analysis will be rolled out to Australian-based IX services over the next 9 months.

If you weren’t able to attend NZNOG you can catch Tim’s presentation here, and download the slides here. If you need assistance with portal access, or with any feedback please drop us a line to

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