Special Resolutions – Changes to the NZIX Society Rules

Earlier this year, the NZIX committee reviewed the current Society rules and after seeking advice from their legal team, have proposed a number of special resolutions to rectify timing issues regarding the draft audited financials being produced in time for the Annual General Meeting.

In May 2021 the NZIX Committee passed a motion to support a set of Society rule changes that not only addressed these issues, but also looked to reduce the Internet Association of Australia’s current oversight and reflect their name change from WAIA to IAA.

The proposed rule changes were circulated to members on 19 May 2021 as part of the 2021 AGM official notice in addition to a Member letter from Chair, Chris Browning, letter explaining the rationale behind these changes. As per the current rules, these changes were presented at the 2021 AGM and voted on at both the in-person event and virtually via Zoom. The motion to accept these changes was put forward by Chris Browning and passed with 11 yes votes in the room and 4 yes votes via Zoom. There were no objections recorded and a required 10 yes votes needed, the motion passed. 

The updated NZIX Society rules are now available to view or download from the website.

NZIX would like to thank all Members who helped get the rule changes executed.

If you require any of the rule change documentation or have any questions pertaining to them, please email admin@ix.nz.

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