January 24, 2022


We are once again proudly sponsoring NZNOG! This annual conference is vital to the internet community in New Zealand and is highly regarded for bringing the community together and providing valuable content.

We hoped this year’s NOG would run from Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th January 2022; however, due to the recent change in our alert level, the NOG has announced the conference will be postponed to the backup dates in May 2022. Please see their website for more details.

If the NOG goes ahead in May, we encourage members to come along as the conference is a great place to exchange technical information and network with others in the Internet and Online Services areas.

In the meantime, you will all have to wait to get your hands on some of our great swag, including our new hoodie and thermal drink bottles!

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With a record-breaking year in 2021, we thought AKL-IX needed a new PoP! New locations are yet to be determined; however, we would like members’ input regarding the new location.

The current areas of interest are: North Shore,

If you have a preferred location in Auckland, please get in contact with us at peering@ix.nz

Once all member responses have been received, we can get the ball rolling.

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Starting with the soft launch on Friday 1st October 2021, followed by the beginning of the twelve-month free period, the new Wellington IX has been off to a great start! With two PoP’s located at Xtreme DC and Spark Wellington Central Exchange, the IX set a record of 1.5Gbps of traffic.

We look forward to seeing the continued growth of the IX, so If you or someone you know would like to get connected in Wellington, please get in touch with us at peering@ix.nz

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Last year the network had a workout smashing previous records on both AKL-IX and CHC-IX. Our network ran seamlessly with many people working from home; keeping people and businesses connected.

Auckland hit a max speed of 361.1Gbps on Monday 23rd August 2021, followed by Christchurch hitting a max speed of 9.4Gbps on Monday 30th August 2021. Joining the network in October, WLG-IX set a record speed of 1.5Gbps on Tuesday 28th December 2021.




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It’s more great news for NZIX members!

Our engineers have made some adjustments to the Route Servers across the network and are now permitting third party content caches supplied by other members via BGP communities.

If your network wants to offer content caches on the IX get in touch with us at peering@ix.nz!

To start things off we welcome the following third-party content cache but we need your help to grow this list!:

  • CHC-IX: Netflix via VocusGroup New Zealand (AS9790) – use the community 63830:40027

As a Christmas present our member Trustpower started announcing their Auckland Steam cache for all Members on AKL-IX to enjoy instead of opt-in communities!  Big thanks to Trustpower for letting all peers of AKL-IX to enjoy speedy Steam downloads!

To ensure you are getting the most out of the IX, please see the peering technical page for the list of community strings supported by NZIX.

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