NZNOG 2023

Another fantastic NZNOG took place in Rotorua late last month! As proud Gold Sponsors, we had a stand again this year, and used the opportunity to catch up with as many members as possible. We also ran bingo, which was a bit of fun, and we’d like to thank NZNOG for their support of the game, and thank our wonderful Committee members, Dave Mill and Matthew Enger for organising it.

In the conference itself NZIX Committee member, Simon Allard in his capacity as Head of Technology Architecture at 2degrees, gave a fascinating talk about the impacts and learnings from Cyclone Gabyfor both the Vocus and 2degrees networks. Rene, from FlexOptix, gave both a terrifying but heart-warming talk on the Keep Ukraine Connected project, and our own Matt K gave a bit of an update on ‘all things tech’ on NZIX’s 3 exchanges.

There were many “angry Australian” visitors from across the ditch. One of whom gave a fantastic network update and informative lighting talk – thank you, Matt K! If you missed Matt’s presentations, you can catch up on YouTube. You may also have met Jemma at our booth, who joins us as a welcome addition to the NZIX team, taking care of our accounts, working closely with Tanzia, our Executive Officer.

We had some great merch items up for grabs this year from carabiners (they also serve as a bottle opener – you’re welcome!) to Pacman themed mouse mats, beer glasses and sour grape lollies. We hope you all managed to find something to tempt you.

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