October 18, 2023


Save the dates: 11 & 12 April 2024 we are pleased to offer our ongoing support of NZNOG by once again becoming a GOLD Sponsor. In anticipation of next year’s event being hosted in the stunning South Island town of Nelson, we’ve compiled an inspirational Top10 things to do!

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The NZIX Committee were able to reconvene last month on the Gold Coast to hold their second annual Strategy Day.

We’ve become quite an international team over recent years, and more so with Jocelyn joining the Committee at our last election. AusNOG was a great opportunity to have everyone in the same room for a whole day.  We talked strategy, governance and technical matter and it was a really productive day.

The Committee discussed and approved implementing a more formal process for Asset Management. They finalised the society’s risk register and worked through some succession planning. IAA’s CEO Narelle Clark and Peering Engineer, Aaron Chidiac were in attendance to talk through a 3–5-year technical refresh plan and the Committee approved the move to an upgraded member portal.

Chris and Dave gave a Pacific IXP update, and all Committee members reconfirmed a desire to help wherever possible. Watch this space!

We closed the day with a discussion on how else NZIX could make improvements to the Internet in New Zealand. Given that the society is unlikely to grow much larger, the question turned to how else can we help: Governance? Education? Sponsoring? If you have any ideas, we would love to hear them, please drop us an email at info@ix.nz.

The Strategy Day was a huge success and reflected the NZIX Committee’s ongoing commitment to running a profitable, reliable and sustainable society for all its members.

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We’re delighted to announce our newest Member to the NZIX — Telstra Global (AS4637) — taking up their first 10G port in AKL-IX! This is great news for our smaller networks and kudos to Telstra for taking the initiative on joining our peering fabric and establishing a session with the route servers!

As it stands, Telstra have only dipped their toes this side of the pond by announcing their international only prefixes as domestic Australian prefixes (AS1221) are yet to be seen, but we’re optimistic they will in time and this should permit a better alternative for networks connecting to Telstra AU domestic rather than routing via Singapore, here’s hoping that this is a taste of bigger things to come!

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It was well over a year ago when we let all our members know about our plans to expand and upgrade the AKL-IX. And if we’re being honest, the planning and quoting and planning and quoting started awhile before that.

We are so happy to confirm that all the planned work has been completed and you can now find the IX has:

  • A new POP at Datacom Orbit Drive
  • A diverse west path (avoiding the bridge)
  • 400G redundant and diverse ring!

And looks like this . . .

A diagram of a computer network

Description automatically generated

This project took many man hours from both the NZIX Committee and the IAA technical team and after some unexpected delays, we are delighted to close off this project and move onto the next one.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this happen and we hope our members enjoy their new AKL-IX redundant and diverse ring!

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On Thursday 27 July the Committee of the New Zealand Internet Exchange Inc (NZIX) held its 2023 Annual General Meeting.

This was our third year of holding a hybrid AGM and we welcomed our members and industry guests, both in person at the Longroom in Auckland, and online via Zoom.  We thank all guests who attended, but particularly those who braved the wind and rain to join us in person!

Society Chair, Dave Mil of Searchlight, commenced the formalities of the AGM by welcoming everyone and giving his Chair’s Report. He provided an update on the Auckland IX Expansion project, MDR floor move, launching of our new Datacom PoP and our new IX in Wellington.

Treasurer Chris Browning was pleased to announce that at the end of the 2022/23 financial year NZIX had $417k cash on hand, $219k profit before depreciation, $93k net profit and $552k equity. Also notable is that we carry no loans or other debt.

Jocelyn Bateman stood in for Tom Paseka (who was unable to join us in-person from California this year) and ran through NZIX membership growth, policies changes and confirmed there will be 3 Committee seats up for nomination next year. The new Societies Act 2022 will prompt some changes to our Society Rules and we expect those changes to be ready to vote on at next year’s AGM.

Aaron Chidiac from IAA delivered the technical report breaking down each IX and reporting on peers, traffic, routes and ports. Auckland IX had big changes over the year, with the Auckland Expansion project completing. Whilst the other two exchanges remained relatively unchanged, but ticking along nicely.

With no elections or voting this year the meeting concluded with a member discussion and everyone at the Longroom enjoyed a few drinks and nibbles as well.

We sent out a post-event survey that returned some overwhelmingly positive feedback and a couple of notes of improvements. Thank you to those who completed the survey; your feedback is valuable and always welcome. For those who were unable to attend, if you would like to see the AGM slides, they are available by request.

If you would like any additional information, or have any feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to the team via info@ix.nz.

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