Committee Strategy Session at AusNOG

The NZIX Committee were able to reconvene last month on the Gold Coast to hold their second annual Strategy Day.

We’ve become quite an international team over recent years, and more so with Jocelyn joining the Committee at our last election. AusNOG was a great opportunity to have everyone in the same room for a whole day.  We talked strategy, governance and technical matter and it was a really productive day.

The Committee discussed and approved implementing a more formal process for Asset Management. They finalised the society’s risk register and worked through some succession planning. IAA’s CEO Narelle Clark and Peering Engineer, Aaron Chidiac were in attendance to talk through a 3–5-year technical refresh plan and the Committee approved the move to an upgraded member portal.

Chris and Dave gave a Pacific IXP update, and all Committee members reconfirmed a desire to help wherever possible. Watch this space!

We closed the day with a discussion on how else NZIX could make improvements to the Internet in New Zealand. Given that the society is unlikely to grow much larger, the question turned to how else can we help: Governance? Education? Sponsoring? If you have any ideas, we would love to hear them, please drop us an email at

The Strategy Day was a huge success and reflected the NZIX Committee’s ongoing commitment to running a profitable, reliable and sustainable society for all its members.

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