Nelson for the NOG!

This year we headed to ‘not so sunny’ Nelson for the 2024 NZNOG. It was another great conference, and this was another year of NZIX getting behind the NOG and returning as gold sponsors.

A great time was had by all delegates, whether you checked out the Nelson Classic Car Museum or braved the torrential rain to go (all weather) go karting. We enjoyed this annual opportunity to catch up with existing members, talk up the IX to any-and-all prospective Members and generally just get to know a bit more about what’s happening in the industry.

If you made it to the NZIX stand, you might have scored yourself one of our Blunt umbrellas (which came in very handy) or a Bellroy Tech Kit. Tanzia, our Executive Officer, was also handing out cage nut tools and left over carabiners from last year, along with pens, lollies, and a couple of beer glasses! Everything was so well received that we shipped 13 boxes to Nelson and only 3 boxes home. We stand by offering great quality products, and we hope you love them as much as we do!

Aaron Chidiac, our amazing NZIX peering engineer, was back at the NOG this year and gave a comprehensive update on our 3 exchanges, our recent Auckland upgrades and our future plans for a new Portal. If you missed seeing it, you can watch the full Tech Update here.

Further to the technical update, NZIX Chair, Dave Mill provided a quick summary of some upcoming governance changes that are happening this year and put out a big-shout out for people to consider nominating to be an NZIX Committee Member later this year (ideally Kiwis 😊). If you think that could be you, look out for our AGM communications starting early June for all the details.

It was a fun and interesting two days, with some great presentations and lightning talks. If you want to watch or rewatch any of the action, the YouTube links are available – Day 1 and Day 2

Next year the NOG heads to Napier and we can’t wait to see everyone there!

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