Annual General Meeting Results

It was great to see so many of our members, and interested industry members, turn out to our Annual General Meeting last week.

The formalities of the AGM involved a vote from the membership to support a rule change for the society. The proposed change enables the society to access additional tax deductions from Inland Revenue. We are pleased to confirm that the motion was passed by the members, the society staff will now progress the rule change process with the Companies Office.

The AGM also saw the first committee member elections since the society was established.

The Committee would like to extend their thanks to outgoing Chair, Davey Goode from Devoli as well as committee member Kevin Cox of DTS. Your contributions to the committee are appreciated and we look forward to your continued involvement as members.

It was great to have so many nominees put themselves forward to join the committee. With only two positions available it was great to have six nominations on the ballot. Thank you to everyone that put their name forward.

We are pleased to announce that Simon Allard of Vocus Communications, and Barry Murphy of Devoli Pty Ltd have been elected to the committee. The committee are looking forward to working together to move the society forward.

Following the AGM we were excited to hear from Shane Alcock of the OpenLI project. NZIX are pleased to support the OpenLI team in their development of software to meet the requirements New Zealand’s TICSA legislation.

If you have any thoughts or feedback for the committee we welcome you to get in touch by emailing



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